Unit1/158 Cambridge St, West leederville 6007
Clinic tel: 0432807009 fax: 08 61021729 email:admin@lokeshyagnik.com
Clinic timing: M-F 08.30am to 16.30pm
Pulmonology Clinic
Clinic closures
Clinic closures 2023 - 21/10-29/10/2023, 10-20/11/2023, 22/12/2023-8/1/2023
Clinic closures 2024 - 29/1 - 11/2/2023, 26/2- 3/3/24, 15/3-21/3/2024, 29/7-4/8/2024, 2/9-8/9/2024, 21/10-27/10/2024
I am sure you are all monitoring the local covid situation. I request all of you to help us smoothly run the clinic in a COVID Safe fashion. Covid19 is treatable if treatments are started in appropriate patients early in the course of the illness.
Please use the following steps before attending the clinic
Do you have any symptoms compatible with covid19 and are you a close contact on an active case of covid19.
For the safety of other patients do not attend clinic if you are unwell with symptoms concerning for COVID19
Inform the clinic beforehand by email, telephone or via www.lokeshyagnik.com/Contact if you have any symptoms that may indicate a COVID19 infection. This includes fevers (>38C), new or change in character to your cough, new or change in character of shortness of breath.
Inform us and we shall change to telephone/telehealth review.
I assure you there is no cancellation fee and you shall get appropriate respiratory care.
- ​For covid19, I direct you to designated covid clinics
- Wearing a mask in all clinic space is no longer mandatory but may be advisable if you have any infective symptoms.
My staff and I are also at risk of COVID19 or other illnesses just as you are therefore in the event of illness we may have to reschedule your appointments. We hope this does not happen but regret any inconvenience if it does.
Once again, thank you for your support.
Dr Lokesh Yagnik